How easy is it to win a Nobel Prize?

That was our first question when we were looking for datasets for our Dashboard visualization and we stumbled upon the Winning Nobel Prizes dataset. There was data from the year 1901 to 2016 and this made us realize how old the Nobel Foundation formation is! It was fascinating how a potential story was unfolding as we explored the data set and searched for valuable information. So many questions were raised.

Where would you have been born so that you would have been more likely to win a Nobel Prize in one of the 5 categories? Which university would you have graduated from? How many years would you have to endure, even if a paper was published, before you get a Nobel? At what age would you finally get it? Which category has been awarded the most and therefore you have the best chances?

All these questions inspired us to create the Winning Nobel Visualization. Watch the presentation below and see your potential to become a Nobel laureate yourself!!

Data Visualization 2023
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens